Contact info changes
Yes, after the initial modification permitted under the ICANN TDRP, any further changes to your registrant contact information, including Contact Name, Organization and Email address, will automatically trigger a 60-day hold.
Registrant contact info changes trigger the 60-day hold, since it’s another way to give control of a domain to someone else. If you change the contact info, both the current party (the one that’s losing control of the domain) and the gaining party (whoever you’re giving it to or selling it to) must manually approve the change. If either party rejects it, the domain ownership or contact info isn't transferred / changed.
For instance, in the event that someone is attempting to steal your domain, you would hopefully see the email notification and reject the contact change. Unfortunately, these email notifications are also triggered if you simply want to change your own email address.
Since your first transfer excludes the 60-day lock, we encourage you to make transfers before changing the contact info associated with the domain to avoid triggering the 60-day hold. For example, if you have acquired a domain, once the Authorization codes have transferred it to you, you are able to use the domain freely.
We advise not changing your registrant contact information while the domain is still in your account as it will then trigger the 60-day hold and prevent you from moving the domain into another account.
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